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Il sagrantino di Montefalco

Plinio il Vecchio, nella sua “Storia Naturale”, descrive l’Itriola, tipica uva del territorio, che secondo alcuni studiosi potrebbe identificarsi con l’uva Sagrantino.
Montefalco: Umbria’s exalted balcony

Montefalco: Umbria’s exalted balcony

The Bocale vineyard has only six hectares of vines producing around 30,000 bottles of wine annually but here, in the green heart of Italy – as Umbria is known – is a business that is quintessentially Italian. Valentino, a most engaging host, together with his brother and parents run the business between them and it is the epitome of everything that makes Italian produce so special.

On the Trail of the Fearsome Vine

On the Trail of the Fearsome Vine

The Bocale vineyard has only six hectares of vines producing around 30,000 bottles of wine annually but here, in the green heart of Italy – as Umbria is known – is a business that is quintessentially Italian. Valentino, a most engaging host, together with his brother and parents run the business between them and it is the epitome of everything that makes Italian produce so special.